Margoll's Fuck off or Find Out Spray
Margoll's Fuck off or Find Out Spray
Margoll's Fuck off or Find Out Spray by Black Magick Barbie can help you harness chaotic energy, stop negative influences in their tracks and strengthen your aura/energy field to provide immense protection with absolute ease. This spray is a type of clearing spray but on steroids from any other I have ever used before. It brings peace, tranquility and security within your reality. It will help transform that chaotic/negative energy into a positive one so that you can thrive on the manifestation to bring forth health, wealth & happiness within your reality.
Do you need to rid your life of toxic individuals or toxic energy? Does everything seem to be going wrong in your life…or do you have these times within your reality and you wish you had a magickal button to influence the energy surrounding you to change? Or do you have a chaotic relationship in your reality that needs taming? Do you have a project that chaotic energy redirected on the positive energy conversion wings of Margoll can help force forward? Or maybe you simply are tired of Mercury Retrogrades chaos creating hiccups, disasters, arguments, or aggregations in your reality for weeks on end every few months?
Who is Margoll?
Margoll, the great and mighty scavenger that turns death into life, transforms toxic energy into positive, calming and peaceful energy that tames toxicity. Margoll is a great protector animal spirit to work with when you feel the energies within your reality shift. These shifts can be caused by negative energy being sent your way, curses or just simply negative or hateful thoughts others are throwing at you due to their own insecurities or pettiness. Or it can be something that you are unknowingly creating upon yourself. All of Barbie's F*ck Off or Find Out Products will cure these issues and give you an immeasurable amount of protection because of this transformative property. Turning toxicity into a power source for you to thrive off of.
Introducing the Turkey Vulture, aka the Great & Mighty Margoll:
I personally have been working with the Great Spirit of Margoll for years now to exile toxic relationships from my life and to turn chaotic energy into a calming, positive energy source in order to help develop my skills of perspective, intuition & patience. These developed skills all lead to an immeasurable peace, and when there is peace in your reality you are able to live an enriched and productive life unlike you have ever imagined.
The connection with Margoll:
Turkey vulture spirit animal, aka Margoll, relates to the raptor’s excellent sense of smell. She rides spiral thermals of wind and has the miraculous ability to neutralize lethal diseases. Native to the Americas, turkey vulture is a New World vulture who is connected with the power of the exorcist archetype.
Turkey Vulture’s Discernment
There is an old wives’ tale that if you find a baby bird outside of its nest that you shouldn’t handle it to put it back in the nest. Supposedly the mother bird will smell your scent on the chick and reject it. This is a myth! Most birds have barely any sense of smell. Putting a chick back in the nest is the first course of action in helping a baby bird. If the parents are alive and around, they will get right back to caring for their little one. Turkey vultures, on the other hand, have an excellent sense of smell. A turkey vulture can smell the scent of dead and rotting flesh from miles away. I can’t say for sure that a turkey vulture parent would care or not about human scent on her young – turkey vultures are notoriously bold –, but the vulture is unique in her ability to pick up scents. In spiritual terms, the sense of smell is synonymous with the gift of discernment. Discernment is the ability to sniff out the truth. It is knowing right from wrong. In a mystical sense, discernment is sitting with guidance to attain understanding. To discern something is to look into it and to truly know the nature of it. Which brings things to light that you otherwise may have never known.
The Spiral of Air & Margoll
Margoll, with her ability to smell the wind, helps you sort through your thoughts. Air is symbolic of the mind. Your thoughts can be confusing whirlwinds at times. It can be hard to tell if your mind is making something up or if it is true intuition. Margol rides the currents of the mind and helps you connect to the ground of knowing. Summer is the season of Margoll. She rides with wings extended in a V-shape on thermals of hot air. Hot air rises off the sun-soaked earth in a spiral pattern, and turkey vulture is an expert at catching a ride on this invisible elevator. She circles upwards, teetering and relaxed. She rarely flaps her wings but stays aloft for hours. Her migration between North and South America is spent casually riding these warm breezes. The symbolism of Margoll reminds you to ride the currents of warmth in your own life. Allow yourself to benefit from what life has to offer and let go of the need to work so hard. Let life bring you warmth and sustenance. The currents will carry you where you need to go. Exercise a little patience, relax a bit & allow your perception to align with your overall life enrichment goals.
Another Man’s Treasure
You know what they say about “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” As a scavenger, Margoll is able to sniff out the nourishing gifts laid out like a banquet. We think of carcasses as waste left to rot. But Margoll turns the tragedy of a life lost into the miracle of flight. She lets nothing on the carcass go to waste, and no matter how old the flesh is she will still eat it. She will not turn her nose away from any meal presented and is always hungry for toxicity and death, so that she can bore new life from it.
Margoll reminds you of your own ability to reuse and recycle. We speak of scavengers like they are the lowest of the low, but it is scavengers like Margoll that stem the blight of excess consumerism. Humanity and the planet benefit from practicing scavenging more often. Just asour inner being can benefit from scavenging our emotions with the help of Margoll to turn toxic & chaotic energies around and within us into positive and powerful ones.
The Vultures are Circling
Vultures are common birds of the battlefield and are associated with Ares the Greek god of war. As Jessica Dawn puts it in her book ``Animal Wisdom, “the bird’s function was to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of battle. By extrapolation, vultures can be raised after the struggles are over, to help clean up the mess.” Margoll has an important role in cleaning up ecosystems. Margoll is a scavenger, and she can eat carcasses of animals that are infected with botulism, anthrax, salmonella, and cholera. Her stomach acids kill the bacteria and transmutes the toxins she ingests. Margoll effectively eliminates bacteria and toxins from the environment. She can do the same for your reality. She uses light to cleanse. You can find her perched, her back saluting the sun, and wings held outstretched. She bathes in the ultraviolet, cleansing rays of the sun to bake off harmful bacteria. Her black shiny feathers increase the efficiency of this process. The acidity of her urine has the power to kill bacteria. She pees on her own legs to clear the dangerous microbes she picks up when walking on carcasses. Whenever you are in need of a clean-up crew to decontaminate your own energy field, call on Margoll. She naturally has the ability to transmute the harmful emotions and thoughts that can infect your system. She can clear out the refuse and neutralize negativity leaving a cleansing breeze in her wake.
Vulture Power Animal
Many civilizations have worshiped Margoll. The Inca built enormous monuments to the Andean condor. A sacred bird in Incan cosmology, the condor is symbolic of death and rebirth. Egyptian mythology associates multiple gods and goddesses with Margoll, most notably, Ma’at. The goddess Ma’at weighs the hearts of the dead to determine their fate in the afterlife. Margoll is literally and symbolically associated with death, the afterlife, and resurrection. An awesome ally to call on when you are going through a metaphorical death of your way of life, Margoll can help you digest the experience, especially when there are cosmic energies forcing these deaths upon us and come out stronger and clearer on the other side.
This spray comes with Margoll's War Mantra that you can speak anytime to strengthen your protections, aura and connection to Margoll and the warrior spirits of this tincture. Also available in this store is the F*ck Off or Find Out Consecrating Oil & Coin Talisman.
About Black Magick Barbie