


Beelzebub is Lord of Pestilence, Lord of Flies, Prince of Devils, the deathly solar force, and the blackened sun. Beelzebub teaches the secrets of gaining and commanding legions of spirits, he has and gives power over illnesses and wounds, and he grants the most clear vision of the Infernal Empire. Working with Beelzebub yields knowledge, experience, and immersion into the realm of the supernatural. He will give you a connection to the spirit world, the steps in your personal evolution, removal of patterns and blockages to your ascent, awakening of your spiritual reality, and enhanced magical ability in healing and baneful magicks.

Beelzebub History, Mythology, and Lore

Beelzebub has many names and associations—like so many entities in the modern occult scene, Beelzebub started as a primordial entity, shifted to a god, and then was re-imagined as a demon with the rise of Christianity. Worse still, for continuity, Beelzebub is often called or confused with Bael/Baal and Satan—two entirely separate entities.

Like Baal/Bael (who we have discussed before) Beelzebub was credited as a Phoenician or Canaanite deity, and top god, particularly mentioned around storms. Michael Ford lists Beelzebub’s traits and convoluted history in Beelzebub: Lord of the Flies. Ford traces the path of Beelzebub to a Canaanite deity, Baal Hadad—a stormy deity with horns, as was fashionable at the time. He had all the bells and whistle of a storm god, lightning bolts, a crown, an intemperate demeanor very much in favor of smiting. There were other iterations of Baal-Hadad—like Baal-Seth and Baal-Shamem—who were slightly different in terms of aesthetics and domains who were worshipped as well even through Egypt.

Once Christianity made its way through the Mediterranean world—latching onto the later Roman Empire as the official state religion—did this god become a demon.

The Greeks labelled Beelzebub “The Exarch of Demons”, the “Lord of the House of Dwelling”. Like many other gods turned demons, he was defined by being opposed to the one true God (According to the church) and this was the only thing that mattered in terms of their century’s long purges against non-Christian religions.

Time went on, and during the Enlightenment period, demonology became a popular field—giving the former god a different personality, but also more character. The Dictionaire Infernal (1863) has this to say about Beelzebub:

He is the king of the East Winds and is said to tutor people in various arts of concealment: astral projection, moving silently and invisibly. He commands 66 legions, which is a good number of guys if we go by the Roman definition of legions which is a group of 4,500 souls.

This characterization as being a specialist in illusions carries over into Qlipothic iterations. Beelzebub is said to rule the Nightside sphere of the tree, and thusly is associated with imagination, perception and using your will to help define reality. His more fantastic cognomen— “Lord of the Flies”—reflects this entities association with creeping rot, death and self-serving predatory instinct, in addition to his other associations.


Working with Beelzebub

Beelzebub is Lord of Pestilence, Lord of Flies, Prince of Devils, the deathly solar force, and the blackened sun. Beelzebub teaches the secrets of gaining and commanding legions of spirits, he has and gives power over illnesses and wounds, and he grants the most clear vision of the Infernal Empire. Working with Beelzebub yields knowledge, experience, and immersion into the realm of the supernatural. He will give you a connection to the spirit world, the steps in your personal evolution, removal of patterns and blockages to your ascent, awakening of your spiritual reality, and enhanced magical ability in healing and baneful magicks.

I created a Beelzebub playlist on YouTube of meditation music, meditations, and mantras to help you in your journey.

Beelzebub’s Enn: Adey vocar avage Beelzebuth

Beelzebub’s Correspondences:

  • Botanical and Aromatic: Agarwood (Oud), Chamomile, Cinquefoil, Eyebright, Frankincense, Graveyard Dirt, Mace, Myrrh, Sage

  • Crystals and Stones: Black Obsidian, Moldative, Opal, Peacock Ore, Smoky Quartz

  • Animals: Flies, Insects

  • Offerings: Bugs, Blood, Bones,

References & Further Reading

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