
Belial is a fallen angel and a demonic gatekeeper: he who is without a master or the lawless one. Belial is a Goetic King and the 68th spirit in the Lesser Key of Solomon. He was created just after Lucifer. He commands 50 Legions of Spirits.
Belial disperses and removes all the tyrants in your life, the snakes in the grass that some may call friends or even family. He breaks the shackles and the chains that bind you. To soar higher than ever, journey with him through the wasteland of the Underworld. Through the sands of time, you will confront your inner demons, your insecurities, your trauma, all that you have kept locked inside you.
Belial is primarily worked with for matters pertaining to seeking legal justice, ending oppressive relationships like a toxic relationship or work environment. Belial can also be worked with for career advancement and prestige. Pathworking with Belial involves a lot of self-work and shadow work in order to advance yourself as a magical practitioner in all aspects of your life.
Belial: History, Mythology, and Lore
Belial has a panoply of names and translations of those names. Most boil down to ‘Masterless’ or ‘Without a Master’ (Asenath Mason and Edgar Kerval assert that the word Belial is broken down as follows: ‘Beli’ and ‘ol’ meaning ‘Without advantage’ and therefore worthless). While this origin in Hebrew antiquity sounds straightforward, there is no universal consensus as to this particular entity’s origin or meaning. It may very well be that he is one of the countless gods turned to demons by Christianity (in the Solomonic grimoire tradition—a similar thing was done with the goddess Astarte becoming the demon Astaroth, for example, in this canon). Belial is not to be confused with Baal, an old harvest deity who was also given the god-to-demon treatment by the monotheistic religions.
In Christian and Judaic scripture, Belial is referred to as being the Worthless One, but the most ancient Canaanite sources place Belial as the springtime goddess descended to the underworld to sacrifice herself for her brother’s salvation. In a way, this makes Belial the proto-Christ, the Demonic Messiah. Belial doesn’t come to take your sins away, however, but instead, your chains become revealed and you are given the power to break them.
At any rate, the word ‘Belial’ was a flexible one—thus a phrase like ‘the sons of Belial’ could in ancient times, refer to destructive peoples, uncircumcised folk, idolators, or just not the right sort of people on the whole.
In the Dead Sea Scrolls Belial is cast as the leader of the total metal sounding Sons of Darkness, opposed to the Sons of the Light. This top billing later may have influenced Belial’s association with Satan himself. Some call him Satan’s #2 guy, or second-created, and to confuse the matters, the word Belial could be used as a stand-in for Satan himself.
Belial also has a wide imprint in popular culture, in everything from epic poetry to film. Milton compliments Belial’s composure and honeyed tongue in the cause of evil in Paradise Lost Book 2, noting that:

Belial also is referenced in scores of movies, from Nosferatu to 1991’s Master of Lies, though he has a staggering number of appearances in video game media, especially the DIABLO series. Belial has always been a popular one—before video games, he was extremely popular in medieval grimoires.
In modern occultism, Belial is associated with independence, initiative, and free-thinking. He is also associated with the grounding element of earth. He is said to be the Guardian of the Gate of Daath, the Demon King. Edgar Kerval describes Belial like this:
“Belial is the Sixty-eighth Spirit of the Goetia and a Powerful King. He was created next after Lucifer. He appeareth in the Form of Two Beautiful Angels sitting in a Chariot of Fire. He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that was before Michael, and other Heavenly Angels. His Office is to distribute Presentations and Senatorships, etc., and to cause favor of Friends and of Foes. He giveth excellent Familiars and governeth 80 Legions of Spirits. Note well that this King Belial must have Offerings, Sacrifices and Gifts presented unto him by the Exorcist, or else he will not give True Answers unto his Demands. But then he tarrieth not one hour in the Truth unless he is constrained by Divine Power. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn as aforesaid, etc. - Ars Goetia
In short, Belial as a patron deals in explicitly forbidden knowledge, the granter of insights into yourself and the hidden worlds within and without.
Working with Belial
Belial is primarily worked with for matters pertaining to seeking legal justice, ending oppressive relationships whether its a toxic relationship or work environment. Belial can also be worked with for career advancement and prestige. Pathworking with Belial involves a lot of self-work and shadow work in order to advance yourself as a magical practitioner in all aspects of your life.
I created a Belial playlist on YouTube of meditation music, meditations, and mantras to help you in your journey and pathworking:
Belial’s Enn: Lirach tasa vefa welhc Belial
Botanical and Aromatic: Camphor, Cedar, Frankincense, Hibiscus, Lemon Balm/Melissa, Mugwort, Mullein, Patchouli, Vervain, Vetiver, Wormwood
Crystals and Stones: Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, Fire Agate, Quartz, Ruby, Tiger’s Eye
Animals: Serpents
Offerings: Alcohol, Blood, Tobacco
References & Further Reading
Books & Web Resources
Become a Living God:
Belial, Black Witch Coven, 2021.
Belial: A History, Baal Kadmon, 2018.
Belial: Without a Master: Become a Living God 2018.
Chants of Belial: Asenath Mason and Edgar Kerval, 2017.
The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King by Aleister Crowley (Editor), Hymenaeus Beta (Editor), Samuel Liddell (Translator), MacGregor Mathers (Translator)
YouTube Videos
Belial Demon King, Temple of Ascending Flame, 2021
Belial: The Worst Fallen Angel (Angels & Demons Explained) The Legends of History, 2021.