
Satan is the Lord of Darkness, the Adversary, the Ancient Dragon, the Great and Evil Serpent, and the Liberator of Mankind. Working with Satan can enhance your psychic connection, power of seduction and influence, transmuting internal alchemy, and a personal demon servitor.
Satan History, Mythology, and Lore
Right off the bat, let’s make some distinctions. Satan, the Devil, and Lucifer are all separate entities for our purposes. A brief summary:
-Lucifer (See our previous discussion of him on this site). In broad strokes, only really a product of early Christian cult mixing with Greek thought and Zoroastrianism, of a fallen angel thrown into hell for cheesing off God for excessive sass and or hubris.
-The Devil, of course, is a flexible term that can mean any number of entities but is largely defined in position as an opposing force to some supreme something. Most notable in Zoroastrianism, which went to influence later Abrahamic religions.
This of course just leaves Satan, the topic of this essay. Unlike the other two, Satan actually appears in the Bible, albeit in the Old Testament. Specifically, he’s God’s hatchet man and prosecutor (Ha-Satan). You may know his work from the whole Book of Job incident.
The 12th century mystic and poet, Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani, had a different take on Iblis’s fall from heaven which frames it as an act of devotion to the Almighty, as an act of love. Hallaj claims that Iblis never bowed down before Adam, God’s latest creation, because he could not bear to put anyone before God. There are lessons in these incidents, and it is worth noting that in the Islamic traditions, Shaitan/Iblis is not called evil, and can be seen as a teacher, even if a flawed one.
And this is before we even get to the occult’s take on Satan. He/it/might be one of the most written about entities or concepts in human history, especially with the rise of monotheistic religions.
In some ways, especially in some modern strains of Satanism, actual belief or interaction with Satan is not viewed as necessary. This is particularly true in LeVeyan Satanism, which uses Satan more as a metaphor for rebellion and breaking conformist tendencies. Gilmore is quoted as saying:
EA Koetting observes further that “Anton La Vey presented only three rituals in The Satanic Bible, for lust, for compassion, and for destruction, all three woven through the same basic template, invoking not the Powers of Darkness but the terrifying force of human emotion, let loose within the ritual in spasms of orgasmic desire, of tearful compassion and of blinding rage, funneled through primitive symbols towards the end result.”
Satan is present as an impulse to rebel against established norms, that Bakuninist quote “The urge to destroy is also a creative urge,” would be right at home in modern Satanism. Satan, as the great, unquantifiable teacher in reaction to the forces of oppression, centralization, of hierarchy and intolerance, is both knowable and unknowable.

Working with Satan
Satan is the Lord of Darkness, the Adversary, the Ancient Dragon, the Great and Evil Serpent, and the Liberator of Mankind. Working with Satan can enhance your psychic connection, power of seduction and influence, transmuting internal alchemy, and a personal demon servitor.
I created a Satan playlist on YouTube of meditation music, meditations, and mantras to help you in your journey.
Satan’s Enn: Tasa reme laris Satan – Ave Satanis
Satan’s Correspondences:
Botanical and Aromatic: Agarwood (Oud), Belladonna, Black Mustard Seeds, Copal, Datura innoxia or stramonium, Devil’s Shoestring, Mandrake Root, Mugwort, Mullein, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Wormwood
Crystals and Stones: Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Herkimer Diamonds, Moldavite, Ruby, Sapphires, Smoky Quartz
Animals: Goats, Serpents
Offerings: Demonic pacts, honor and dedication to the path
References & Further Reading
Books & Web Links
Satan: The Adversary, Become a Living God, 2021.
The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor Lavey, 1969.
Satan, Black Witch Coven, 2021.
YouTube Videos
Satan: The Lord of all Demons - Angels and Demons, See U In History/Mythology, 2020.
Satan: The Devil (Angels & Demons Explained), The Legends of History, 2020.