Updates on Ritual Oils & Crystal Healing Oils

Updates on Ritual Oils & Crystal Healing Oils

Please be advised that we are dealing with some issues with our bottle supplier for the 1 ounce dropper bottles we use for all Ritual Oils and Crystal Healing Oils.

Unexpectedly, our regular supplier changed the specifications on the dropper bottles with a higher price for lower quality droppers and the bottle opening width was much narrower. If you are familiar with our oils, we add herbs, botanicals, and crystals to most of them so we prefer the wider mouth bottles.

We are trying to find a temporary supplier whilst we look into other options going forward. This involves a lot of trial and error in that we have to order samples from other suppliers to see if they will be decent replacements going forward. This may mean depending on the supplier that it will significantly increase our costs meaning that we will no doubt have to raise our prices on all ritual oils, crystal oils, and made to order custom oils.

There may be some delays at times. I am stuck in a bind because I have about 20+ different ritual oils that need to be bottled so right now we are just bottling as orders come in. 

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