Slut Water is created by Barbie Garrett. It increases your overall happiness by increasing your sexual confidence decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression. It also helps unpack and heal past traumas. All of these things open, cleanse, and charge your kundalini chakra - which is where our most powerful magick and energy is created. Read more about and purchase Slut Water here:
My personal journey using Barbie's Slut Water began in August 2020 in the aftermath of breaking up with my partner of two years and enduring all the trauma that 2020 has collectively throw at the world and its effect on me personally. Through my journey, I started working with Astarte in addition to my previous workings with Lilith and Hecate on my healing journey. I continue to use it everyday and anoint my third eye and heart chakras before bed every night. I mentioned the Am'Ma Miel: A Personal Gnosis story.