Gen X Witches: Thoughts on Generational Differences in Modern Witchcraft

Gen X Witches: Thoughts on Generational Differences in Modern Witchcraft

Generation X is often the forgotten generation sandwiched between the baby boomers (our parents) and the younger millennial and gen z folks. First off, we are not Baby Boomers, the baby boom happened after World War II. I'll admit, we do have a slight "Karen" problem in our generation, but I will get to that later. Gen Xers were born between 1965 and 1980 and a lot of cool stuff happened and we were a part of it, we're getting older now, but no less fashionable or cynical as we were in the 80s or 90s. This is just some witchy advice from a slightly jaded Gen Xer.

Gen X Witches: Additional Thoughts on Generational Differences in Modern Witchcraft Part 2: Following up, on Part 1 of Gen X Witches, I wanted to clarify a couple things I missed or didn't clarify in the best way especially about the "Karen's" of our generation. I also added some additional thoughts on how our generation approaches and understands different topics applicable within the rubric of modern witchcraft.

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