Belladonna's Botanicals: About Us & Our Creative Process

Belladonna's Botanicals: About Us & Our Creative Process

Belladonna's Botanicals is a woman / disability owned small business in the United States. All products, unless otherwise specified, are handmade with great care in the entire process from design to production to packaging and shipping.

Our products are handcrafted infusing botanicals, herbs, essential oils, fragrances, carrier oils, and other materials and imbued with magical energy. Jennifer is a Reiki Master and Advanced Crystal Healer with multiple certifications and coursework in a variety of fields both magical and mundane.

Additionally, we have products and services at present from Lamia Nightstorm, Black Magick Barbie, and Vanessa Diamond and have extended our product offerings in areas of candles and wax melts 

Watch our full video: Is it okay to use Substitutions and Symbolic Offerings in Magical Practices?    • Is it okay to use Substitutions and S...  

 Occult Origin Stories Playlist:    • My Occult Origin Story: Part 1   About Us: Jennifer:

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I couldn’t leave a review on the items I purchased, so wanted to post here that I just received my Lilith anointing oil and wax melts and OH goddess, they are the most heavenly scent. I purchased the candle a while back and became so enamored with the scent that I just had to have more. I wanted to order directly through the website instead of Etsy this time, though, because I hope beyond hope that it puts more money directly in your pocket! For as long as you and the Goddesses are willing, I’ll be purchasing more from you. Blessed be, to you and yours.


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